KALRO Secretariat


Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act, 2013 has established the Secretariat of the organization as the implementing arm of the Board. The role of the Secretariat among others is to organise, direct and monitor implementation of research programmes and dissemination and adoption of research findings at national and county levels.

The Secretariat comprise of:

The Director General (DG);
The Deputy Director-Generals (DDGs), for Crop and livestock;
Operational units for the effective coordination of agricultural research and development

The Secretariat Comprises of 8 operational Units under the following thematic areas:

Corporate Services
Crops Systems Unit
Livestock Systems Unit
Policy and Institutional Development
Partnership and Business Development Unit
Planning, Resource Allocation and Quality Control Unit
Knowledge Management and Information Communication Unit
Natural Resource Management Systems

Functions of the secretariat

Provide logistical support to the Board and committees of the Board;
Organise, direct, and monitor the implementation of research programs and training activities both at national and county level;
Review of agricultural research proposals in terms of priority and technical content;
Carry out periodic assessment of the performance of each research institute in terms of efficiency and adequacy of facilities and resources with reference to the functions to be
Promote collaboration and partnerships of the organisation with international organisations or research bodies on agricultural research;
Review and present to the Board recommendations of the research institutes and committees on policies and priorities for agricultural research;
Serve as a resource centre on matters relating to agricultural research;
Establish a database and coordinate information flow among the research institutes and sector Ministries set out in the Third Schedule to this Act;
Rate, compile and maintain an inventory of agricultural research activities and programs undertaken by committees and organisations under this Act;
Collate, analyse and disseminate information including data on research programs undertaken pursuant to this Act;
Monitor and report to the Board on arrangements for dissemination and utilisation of research results and their impact on the development of agriculture and social improvement in the
Conduct research and gap analysis to ensure continuous performance improvement in the dissemination and adoption of research findings;
Review and assess requests for Government support in relation to research activities and programs and advice the Secretariat on the relevant support that should be accorded to an institute or body undertaking research under this Act;
Facilitate resource mobilization and management.

For more information on KALRO please refer to   THE KENYA AGRICULTURAL AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH ACT of 2013   GAZETTE Vol. CXVI No. 30